Be Bold, Share the Untold
Create an anonymous survey
1. Create the survey.
All you need is a password and subject name, the rest is optional.
2. Share survey link.
Share the survey URL and password to receive anonymous feedback.
3. Export survey feedback.
Download feedback with your password and system generated secret key.
Enter a password. This is what feedback providers will use to access the survey.
Enter the name of the survey subject, or the name of the manager, product, initiative, project, or process under evaluation.
Days to expiration
Enter a number between 1 and 180 to indicate the days until survey expiration.
Feedback visibility
Do you want to show all feedback to everyone with access to the survey?
No, do not show feedback
Yes, show feedback
Show Optional Fields
General survey description
Why are you collecting feedback? What general insights or broad solutions are you seeking?
Feedback provider email list
Enter up to 30 email addresses for us to anonymously send the survey URL and password to your feedback providers. Include your email to receive a copy. The sent emails are confidential and untraceable. To enhance the collective nature of the survey, we suggest sending to 3 or more recipients. Recipients will not be able to see each other's email addresses, ensuring privacy. However, they will be informed of the total number of recipients. Survey summary recipients won't see this list. For larger groups, use a free email service to send the survey URL and password yourself.
Example Email
Survey summary email list
Enter up to 5 email addresses for us to anonymously send a feedback summary upon survey expiration. Include the manager, manager's boss, or your email address to receive a copy of the survey summary. Please note that all email addresses will be added to the 'To' field of the email, making the list of survey summary recipients visible to everyone. To ensure anonymity, survey summary recipients will not see the list of feedback providers.
Preview the anonymous survey
Days to expiration
Feedback visibility
No, do not show feedback